The Longest LineArtist : Blink 182 
In the darkest tunnel its nice to see a light , just aheadlight-
Like the one that's headed right for me.
It would be be nice if things would turn out right, turn outright, yeah.
Don't think i'll ever see the day.
I must have done something wrong or maybe pissed off god.
I, i think of chinese food when i think of life-
Its sweet and sour
My lifes as sweet as saccharin
You know three week old milk and grapes are not the same, they'renot the same, no
I am the one johnny carcinogen
I must have fucked with some witch, in turn she cursed me, cursedmy life
At the end of the longest line
Thats where i will always be
If you need to find me, you just go to the end of the longestline
"but officer that was a yellow light," "the ligt was red, son."
Isobordanation, reckless driving.
I must be wrong, this can't be right, i don't belong-
This world is much too dangerous.. for someone lacking luck likeme
At the end of the longest line
Thats where i will always be
If you need to find me, you just go to the end of the longestline
At the end of the longest line
Thats where i will always be
At the end of the longest line