Fine With MeArtist : John Mayer 
I must admit
I can't remember your name
I know we just met,
But since then I've had a lot to think about
Before we part ways,
Well, there's something that I'd like to say
I realize it's late
But if you'll hear out I'm sure
Dave Letterman can wait
And if you'd like to
Maybe continue,
What we started with a smile
From across the room
That'd be fine with me
When I first saw
Your face, I knew for sure
That from now on
Things would be different than before
I walk in weak
From yet another day
I need you to say
That tomorrow I'm gonna hear your voice again
And if you'd like to, maybe continue,
What we started with a smile
from across the room
That'd be fine with me
And I only hope that I can be what you were looking for
Cause all I ask is that you look my way
And that'd be fine with me
I know its clichéd
To use silly metaphors to describe the way
You handle me
But, I'm just an addict
I'm just and addict
And I think I'm hooked on you
And if you'd like to maybe continue
what we started with a smile
from across the room
that'd be fine with me
And I only hope that I can be what you were looking for
Cause all I ask is that you look my way
And that'd be fine with me
That'd be fine with me